Is my daughter just using me?

Is my little girl simply utilizing me?

Financial Deception in College Support: Father Feels Betrayed by Daughter

In this present circumstance, a dad is wrestling with sensations of treachery and monetary strain concerning his little girl, who is as of now going to school. The dad, having been isolated from his ex for a long time, has been liable for supporting his girl monetarily.

Regardless of satisfying his commitments, the dad found that his ex and girl had covertly gathered a lot of investment funds planned for the little girl’s future costs. This disclosure became visible after the dad had been determinedly supporting his girl’s school expenses, lease, and different requirements, frequently to the impairment of his own monetary soundness.

The dad’s close to home misery is intensified by the way that his little girl and mother had known about the mysterious reserve funds yet decided not to uncover this data. His girl, who acquires $20 each hour, had over and again communicated monetary difficulty and dependence on her dad’s help. Also, the dad’s ongoing spouse and he have been staying at work longer than required to deal with these costs, which has added to their monetary and profound weight.

The dad is currently addressing whether his little girl has been controlling the circumstance to profit from his monetary help while disguising her own assets. He is questionable about how to continue and whether to keep giving monetary help under these conditions.

Central issues of Concern:

  1. Monetary Obligation: The dad has been satisfying his monetary obligations towards his girl, yet feels took advantage of in the wake of finding out about the secret reserve funds.
  2. Family Connections: The circumstance has stressed associations with his little girl and mother, influencing his trust and close to home prosperity.
  3. Future Activities: The dad is examining whether to keep supporting his little girl monetarily or to change his methodology considering the new data.
    This outline features the intricacies of relational intricacies and monetary obligations, underscoring the significance of open correspondence and trust inside familial connections.

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Financial Deception in College Support: Father Feels Betrayed by Daughter

Financial Deception in College Support: Father Feels Betrayed by Daughter

Financial Deception in College Support: Father Feels Betrayed by Daughter

Financial Deception in College Support: Father Feels Betrayed by Daughter

Financial Deception in College Support: Father Feels Betrayed by Daughter

Financial Deception in College Support: Father Feels Betrayed by Daughter

Financial Deception in College Support: Father Feels Betrayed by Daughter

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Financial Deception in College Support: Father Feels Betrayed by Daughter

Financial Deception in College Support: Father Feels Betrayed by Daughter

Financial Deception in College Support: Father Feels Betrayed by Daughter

Financial Deception in College Support: Father Feels Betrayed by Daughter

Financial Deception in College Support: Father Feels Betrayed by Daughter

Financial Deception in College Support: Father Feels Betrayed by Daughter

An intricate circumstance has arisen including a dad, his little girl, and more distant family individuals in regards to monetary help and tentative arrangements. The dad has been supporting his girl through school, covering her educational cost, condo, and different costs. Regardless of these endeavors, he found that his girl, alongside her mom and grandma, had furtively amassed a lot of reserve funds expected for her post-school move out of state. This disclosure came as a shock and prompted sensations of disloyalty, especially in light of the fact that the girl had more than once guaranteed monetary difficulty and had been mentioning extra help.

The dad’s endeavors to address these worries straightforwardly with his girl were met with opposition; she answered by passing on the discussion and communicating her eagerness to oversee minus any additional monetary assistance. This response has heightened the dad’s dissatisfaction, particularly given his obligation to offering monetary help while additionally anticipating that she should add to more modest costs like protection and food to encourage monetary freedom.

Intensifying the issue, the dad’s mom has shown help for the little girl’s monetary choices, contending that the dad’s family has adequate assets to cover all costs. This conflict has stressed the connection between the dad and his mom, featuring a more extensive issue of clashing assumptions and correspondence breakdown inside the family.

Central issues of Conversation:

  1. Monetary Obligations: The dad has been effectively supporting his little girl’s schooling and everyday costs, at this point feels misdirected by her undisclosed investment funds.
  2. Relational intricacies: The circumstance has caused pressure between the dad and his girl, as well similarly as with his mom, who upholds the girl’s monetary independence.
  3. Correspondence Difficulties: Direct discussions with the girl about her monetary circumstance and likely arrangements have not settled the issues, prompting further misconceptions and stressed connections.

This outline highlights the significance of straightforward correspondence and clear assumptions in overseeing family funds and connections, particularly while managing critical monetary help and future preparation.

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Financial Deception in College Support: Father Feels Betrayed by Daughter

UpbeatOne1977 OP responded:

Financial Deception in College Support: Father Feels Betrayed by Daughter


Financial Deception in College Support: Father Feels Betrayed by Daughter

UpbeatOne1977 OP replied:

Financial Deception in College Support: Father Feels Betrayed by Daughter

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