“I (F25) found out my fiance (M27) is with me for money/family business.”

Fiancé Admits to Using Partner for Financial Gain

“I (F25) figured out my life partner (M27) is with me for a cash/privately-run company.” A 25-year-elderly person, alluded to as the banner, as of late confronted an upsetting disclosure about her life partner, Imprint, a 27-year-elderly person. Notwithstanding having been locked in for a year, the lady’s view of Imprint as a certified accomplice … Read more

‘AITA for tricking my partner into eating an alternative lasagna?’

Vegan Meal Deception Causes Trust Issues in Marriage

‘AITA for fooling my accomplice into eating an elective lasagna?’ In this situation, a 43-year-old vegetarian husband chose to serve his 48-year-old meat-cherishing companion a totally plant-based dinner without unveiling its veggie lover nature. Worried about his accomplice’s wellbeing and high BMI, the spouse had been empowering him to integrate more plant-based choices into their … Read more