‘AITA for insulting my sister’s wacky baby names?’

Unconventional baby names debate

‘AITA for offending my sister’s strange child names?’ In a new family question, a 24-year-elderly person confronted reaction for censuring his sister’s decision of child names. The sister, a 23-year-old nonconformist, is anticipating her most memorable girl and proposed two whimsical names: “Recovery Universe” and “Venus Kali Universe.” When she looked for input from relatives … Read more

“I got called a predator today while watching my daughters at the park. AITA?”

Stigma Against Stay-at-Home Dads in Childcare Roles

“I got called a hunter today while watching my girls at the recreation area. AITA?” In the present society, the disgrace encompassing men in childcare jobs endures, mirroring a more extensive issue of orientation predisposition. A stay-at-home father as of late shared his involvement with a neighborhood park, where he experienced ridiculous doubt basically for … Read more